Thursday, February 17, 2011


I am struggling. I am frustrated. I am obsessing about chocolate cake. (I won't tell you about last night and Chad taking the leftover Valentine chocolate cake from my death grip and telling me "No." I walked out of the kitchen sans cake and cried. It was not my brightest moment.)  I am craving sugar. I feel like I am going through withdrawal. I am feeling deprived, but I know I am not. It is all a mental game at this point, and I feel like I am weakening.

Plus I feel the tingle of a cold sore coming on and it is making me mad.

I think I am going to join Weight Watchers online again. I am hoping it saves me some brain power by taking all the guess work away from the food aspect of this torture. Anything to make this more manageable, right?

edited to add 4 hours after initial post: I joined and then I ate the cake.

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