Thursday, March 10, 2011

dieting sucks and I suck at it

I admit it...I am a self sabotager. It seems I do much better in "making healthier choices" when I do it quietly, with little fanfare. It is like I put this pressure on myself to perform well for other people when really I need to do this for myself. So when I don't talk about it a lot or don't over analyze things then I am pretty consistent with my healthier eating choices and exercise. When I talk about it all the time and think about it all day, that is when I cave and crumble and eat donuts, Girl Scout cookies, and maple nut ice cream and don't step on the elliptical for 2 weeks.

At the same time I need some sort of accountability. I love having cheerleaders. I love having Chad tell me he is proud of me for rockin' out on the elliptical. I want to quietly go about my business but I love when people tell me I am doing a good job. How do you accomplish that balance? I don't know.

I have been a total slacker for the last...oh...three no dieting, no exercising...just living my life in this food induced fog. I feel like crap when I eat crap but that doesn't stop me from indulging in the garbage. I don't sleep very well. I feel guilty. I get mad at myself. I pig out to cover up those feelings. I am an addict. I am addicted to food.  Yay me.


  1. Amanda- I'm sorry your struggling. I know it's hard to stay motivated but you CAN do it!!! I do have something you could try and see how it goes. In order for me to manage my am blood sugars, i started drinking the kellogg's protein shakes. They are typically by the boost drinks and pharmacy. They have low carbs, low sugar plus fiber. They actually kept me pretty full until my blood sugar starts going low, but it might be worth a try. Or at least to curb some cravings. I really liked the strawberry and vanilla. Good Luck dear!!!

  2. Hey my friend. I read this post earlier today and was disheartened for you. It popped in my head again just now and I seriously felt nudged by God to share my thoughts with you. I'm sure you can relate this to your dieting:
    One (of the many) of my struggles in life right now is keeping my patience with the boys when they're flipping out and inconsolable. I hate when I lash out at them and turn into "scary mom". God's been impressing on my heart lately that I don't have to be that way. He has given me the power through his Spirit to be patient, kind and loving to my boys. I'm trying to live that out right now. Someone taught me to take the words of Galatians 2:20 and replace them with everyday words. Ex: It is not I who parents Bennett, but Christ who parents Bennett through me.

    And some powerful scripture that I read a couple days ago that stuck with me and popped in my head tonight when I was thinking about you:
    Psalms 18:20-27 in The Message
    God made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before him. When I got my act together he gave me a fresh start. Now i'm alert to God's ways; I don't take God for granted. Every day I review the ways he works; I try not to miss a trick. I feel put back together and I'm watching my step. God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes.
    The good people taste your goodness, The whole people taste your health, The true people taste your truth, The bad ones can't figure you out. You take the side of the down-and-out, But the stuck up you take down a peg.

    Pretty sure this is the longest comment in the history of blogger but I hope this is an encouragement to you. Focus on tasting His goodness, His health and His truth :)

    He has given you the power to overcome your self-sabotage!!
