What: I am not sure how to answer this. I guess that may be my first issue to deal with. *thinking* Simply put, the what is to lose weight. But I can't expound too much or it turns into a why, right?
When: Now. Well, tomorrow. That might be issue numero dos. I am the queen of procrastination. Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow? In all seriousness, I need to start tomorrow. I will try to get over my mini-OCDness about not starting on the first of the month.
Where: In my dungeon of a basement. Sounds lovely, doesn't it? That is where we put the ellipitcal that I bought from a friend in October. I told you I was a procrastinator. And in my kitchen where I will prepare delicious and healthy
tree bark food. My mouth is watering already. And in restaurants where I will look for the * or other printed indicator that the menu option is healthier. They need to use an emoticon of either a sad face or of one sticking his tongue out in disgust. That would be a much more appropriate indicator of what you are about to eat. This "where" has kindof turned into a "how" as well. Works for me.